Stay Safe 'COVID-19'

Believe It or Not But It's TRUE

*Last Update: 2021.Mar.06
*Source: Internet
1. You cannot make the folder named 'Con' on the Computer.
2. The presence of eyebrow is more important for facial recognition than the presence of eyes.
3. Cofee too bitter? Throw a pinch of salt in it problem solved.
4. A baby was born in Hongkong who was found to be already pregnant with twins which is an example of an extremely rare development abnormality called fetus-in-fetu. It occurs in about 1 out of every 500,000 births.
5. Blue whales are so enormous that a human being could swim through their largest veins and artries.
6. Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of going to school.
7. Chocolate is good for your teeth. It can help fight against bacteria in the mouth and stop dental decay.
8. Get ride of a migrane headache : Soak both hands in ice water for as long as you possibly can. While they're in water open and close them into fists repeatedly.
9. We get a runny nose when we cry because we get actual tears in the nose via the nasolacrimal dust.
10. During a 2012 study done in Eastern Germany, the researches could not find a single person under the age of 28 who believed in God.
11. An average woman in the USA will own 111 handbags in her lifetime.
12. Want to lose weigh ? Don't eat anything 4 hours before you go to bed. It makes a huge difference.
13. Ever get that feelings you're about to sneeze but it just won't come out ? Look directly into a bright light, it will shoot right out of you.
14. Your brain knows when someone is watching you.
15. It's a myth that you only use 10% of your brain. Most of your brain is active almost all ofthe time.
16. Ostriches and Zebras often live together to protect each other from predators. The ostrich can see better and the zebra can hear or smell danger better.
17. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.
18. Potatoes have almost all nutrients human need to survive. To prove this, the executive director from the Washington state potato commission ate nothing but potatoes for 60 days.
19. Want to whiten your white clothes ? Soak them into hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 mins.
20. There is only two seasons on Uranus : Summer & Winter.
21. Mount Everest is actually slowly growing by about 1 inch every six years.
22. One of the best and most delicious ways to cure a hangover is to drink a banana milkshake.
23. The length of a day on Earth hasn't always been 24 hours. 2.5 billions years ago, it took about 12 hours to complete a rotation.
24. Accidentally got a pen or ink stain on your clothes ? Scrub some toothpaste into it, let it dry and then wash. The stain will dissappear.
25. Nail-Polish remover can easily remove any stuffs or stains from your shoes and make them look almost brand new !
26. In Mars the Sunset is blue.
27. Krubera Cave, the deepest known cave on Earth, has depth of 2,197m (7,208ft).
28. Eating a mint can relieve stress and cure a headache.
29. A woman in Germany naturally gave birth to a baby who weighed 13 pounds (5.8kg).
30. Americans consume 12.5 teaspoons more sugar each day than the American Heart Association recommends.
31. Shark can see up to 10 times better than humans in clear water.
32. Gold has been discovered on every continent on Earth.
33. Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in China as a delicacy.
34. The World's largest deep sea port, Gwadar is in Pakistan.
35. Reward your kid with things they get to do instead of things they get to have. This teaches them that true happiness comes from experience instead of possession.
36. A complete revolution around the sun takes about 365 days and 6 hours. That's why our Gregorian calendar has a leap day.
37. Learning Engineering can make you forget how to be nice and care for public welfare, says a study.
38. Islam prohibits men from wearing gold or silk.
39. Only Queen can eat swans in England.
40. If you ever get caught in a burning building, get low. The breathable air will be near the floor.
41. Kids in cars 12 times more distracting for drivers than talking on cellphones.
42. Being in Love makes you lazy.
43. In 2006, a man in Sudan was ordered to marry a goat after he was caught having sex with it.
44. Heart Diseases is the no. 1 killer of women.
45. If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles, from here to Pluto and back.
46. The highest recorded body temperature in a human being was a fever of 115.7 degree Fahrenheit (46.5 degree Celsius)
47. If you chew gum when you study a subject and then chew the same flavour when you take the exams, it can help you remember.
48. When mother penguins don't have enough food for their babies, she will make them race to determine who gets to eat.
49. Jupiter's moon lo is the most geologically active object in the solar system with over 400 active volcanoes.
50. There is a phenomenon in Venezuela called "Everlasting storm" in which a lake hosts thousands of lightning strikes every hour 260 days per year.
51. Rabies is almost always fatal after neurological symptoms have developed, with only 5 known survivors ever and 26,000 to 55,000 deaths worldwide per year.
52. The longest interval between the birth of twins is 87 days.
53. The solar system's stability is temporary, and in a few billion years, we might collide with Mars.
54. The longest tennis match lasted 11 hours, 5 minutes.
55. Tomato ketchup can prevent heart diseases more effectively than fresh tomatoes.
56. People who don't apologize are usually happier than those who do.
57. It would take a snail nearly 4,575 years to circle Earth.
58. An egg that is old or bad will float in water, fresh egg will sink in water.
59. 92% of all new sold cars in Brazil use ethanol as fuel, which is produced from sugarcane.
60. There's a town in Brazil made of women. Sons are sent away at 18 and husbands are only allowed to visit on weekeds.
61. In 2014, a student in Taiwan went blind after keeping her contact lenses in for 6 months. A microscopic bug ate her eyeballs.
62. Although Australia is home to the largest number of venomous snake in the world, it averages only one fatal snake bite per year.
63. About 153,000 people will die on your birthday.
64. A single brown bat can catch around 1,200 mosquito-size insects in one hour.
65. For every person on Earth, there are roughly 170 million insects.
66. Adults cats only meow to communicate with humans.
67. The line between the 2 numbers in fraction is called the Vinculum.
68. If you believe that you're truly one in a million, there are still approximately 7, 184 more people out there just like you.
69. The average man sees five women a day with whom he would like to sleep with.
70. On venus it snows metal and rains sulphuric acid.
71. There was a parrot named Alex that had a vocabulary of over 100 words. He was said to have the intelligence of a 5 years old. The last words he said to his trainer before passing away were "See you tomorrow, be good. I love you."
72. Wednesday is the best day for a first date according to a poll of 8,000 singles for dating website.
73. When George Washington was elected president, no one knew what to call him. No other nation had ever elected a president.
74. Cockroaches sometimes sneak into people's ears as they're sleeping and it's really tough to get them out.
75. Studies show that women are attracted to men in blue.
76. Humans can see 10 million different colours. Some insects and birds can see 10 billion.
77. If all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift 25 tons.
78. Spicy is not a flavour. It is your tongue processing pain. That's why you can feel it if you touch your eyes, nose and various other body parts after handling spicy foods.
79. Penguin's legs are longer than they look and they actually have knees.
80. Some humans can be tetrachromats, which gives them ability to see more colours than a normal human, like Concetta Antico, an Australian artist who can see 100 times more colours than a regular human.
81. World's thinnest lens created by Aus scientists could make your phone thinner than a credit card.
82. There is a wasp species named after Shakira because it causes its hosts to shake and wiggle their bodies like Shakira does.
83. The combination of 200 mg of ibuprofen and 500 mg of Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) is one of the strongest pain reliever combinations and found to be more effective than opioids.
84. During the 18 th century, you could pay your admission to the zoo in London by bringing a cat or a dog to feed the lions.
85. A 13 year old boy in Western Siberia allegedly killed his sister over possession of a television remote control.
86. The human heart can be replaced with two turbines, causing a constant flow blood rather than a pulse.
87. A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off.
88. The first electric traffic light was installed in 1914, in Cleveland, Ohio.
89. Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day, 760,000 children every year, more than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.
90. The people of Buganda, in Uganda, speak Luganda.
91. A UK company had developed an ice-cream containing jelly fish proteins. It glows when you lick it.
92. A duck's feather are so waterproof that even when the duck dives underwater, its downy underlayer of feathers will stay completely dry.
93. The black garden ant queen is around 9mm, with dark brown black reddish legs and antenna. She has been known to live for up to 29 years.
94. In Britain, around 20 people die from falling out of bed every year.
95. Baby elephants will stuck on their trunks for comfort, just like human babies suck on their thumbs.
96. People with blue eyes can see better in the dark.
97. The outside of shark teeth is made up of fluoride, the active component of most toothpaste, so sharks never get cavities.
98. Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance.
99. The planet Neptune was mathematically predicted before it was directly observed, based on the orbit of Uranus.
100. Taking a nap after learning something new can help you retain it better.
101. Applying a male's underarm sweat to a female's lip can help women relax, boost their mood and help regulate their menstrual cycle.
102. Couples who live together before engagement have higher divorce rates.
103. Anuptaphobia is the fear of staying single.
104. An elephant can die from a broken heart.
105. Temperature in Venus can reach up to 870 degree fahrenheit (470 degree celsius).
106. People with long legs are generally healthier than people with short legs.
107. Small birds have vision twice as fast as humans.
108. Female chickens can randomly become male by activating a dormant sex organ, meaning that they behave male, release male hormones, and they don't lay eggs, but are still biologically female.
109. Men and women who listen to music a lot tend to have longer lasting relationship.
110. An octopus will eat its own arms if it gets really hungry.
111. The pain that women experience while giving birth is considered to be similar to getting burned alive.
112. Too much homework can cause stress, depression, and even lower grades.
113. Bananas are actually a berry, and the banana 'tree' isn't a tree at all, rather it's an herb.
114. The expiration date on bottled water is for the bottle, not the water.
115. Babies smile on average of 200 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day and the average man only 8.
116. When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similar to physical pain.
117. 30% of women in relationships believe that valentine's day is overrated,
118. A red blood cell take only about 20 seconds to make a complete circuit through your body.
119. World's oldest father is 100 year old - Ramjit Raghav ; he had his first child with his wife at age of 94. He fathered a second child at age 96, thus breaking his own record.
120. On Mars, you'd experience 62.5% less gravity than you're used to on Earth.
121. China produces 20 million tons of garlic each year, four times more than the rest of the world combined. It's more than 14 kgs per capita annually.
122. If you search for 241543903 in Google images, you'll find a lot of pictures of people with their heads in the freezer.
123. Research finds that kids who enjoy family meals have larger vocabularies, better manners, healthier diets and higher self-esteem.
124. The reason why old books have such a distinct smell is because hundreds of organic compounds in the pages break down over time and release chemicals that smells like vanilla, almond and grass.
125. Bees have no lungs for breathing ; rather they use a system of tubes which carry oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from cells.
126. The skin of female shark is much thicker than that of a male because males bite females during mating.
127. Hippos aren't fat, they literally are thick-skinned and have a wide ribcage.
128. If the space between the Earth and the sun were filled with air, the sun would be louder than a train horn. We, on Earth, would constantly hear it at 125 decibels for comparision, a train horn 1 metre away comes in at 120 decibels.
129. Generally, a woman will only argue with someone she truly cares for. Arguing less occurs when she's less interested.
130. People with a higher number of moles tend to live longer than those with fewer moles.
131. Soap doesn't kill germs. The oils and dirt on your skin that carry the germs are trapped in a 'micelle' which allows for them to be washed away.
132. Helium is the only element that was discovered in space before found on Earth.
133. If 1,200,000 mosquitoes bit you at one time, they would bleed you dry.
134. "Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all its letters in alphabetical order.
135. The less people know, the more they think they know. This is called the Dunning Kruger effect.
136. Interrupted sleep is just as bad as a night without sleep.
137. The color red can make you hungry.
138. Hugging for 20 seconds releases oxytocin, which can cause you trust someone more.
139. About 50 different shark species glow in the dark. That's about 10% of all known sharks.
140. Scientists can identify individual zebras by 'scanning' their stripes like a bar-code.
141. Stress makes you fat.
142. You'll experience your billionth second of life when you are 31 years old.
143. People who sleep on their left side have significantly more nightmares than people who sleep on their right side.
144. 100 million to 1 billion birds die each year in North America from colliding with structures.
145. People who get less than 6.9 hours of sleep often have higher blood pressure, eat more and have slower reaction times.
146. Faking a smile has the ability to actually increase and boost your mood.
147. Too much stress and high blood pressure can lead to a condition called 'hematidrosis' in which a person sweats blood.
148. A black bear can smell seven times better than a bloodhound and 100 times better than a human.
149. Going to bed late after 11.30pm on school nights is associated with lower GPA and susceptibility to emotional problems.
150. If a female fish sees her lover lose a fight, she loses interest.
151. Seahorses don't have stomach, just intestines to absorb nutrients from food, so they eat almost constantly.
152. Penguins have an organ above their eye that turns saltwater into freshwater.
153. The first youtube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, featuring its co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo.
154. According to research, watching high-quality television dramas can increase your emotional intelligence.
155. It takes 5 different parts of your brain for you to understand and laugh at a joke.
156. Africans elephants can tell the difference between human languages, genders and ages associated with danger.
157. Your face turns red when you're angry because your heart is beating faster to send more blood to your muscles, preparing you for a fight.
158. Hens talk to their chicks in soft tones while they are still in the egg and chicks can be heard peeping back from inside the shell.
159. Lisbon (Capital of Portugal) is nearly four centuries older than Rome, and is the second oldest European capital after Athens.
160. If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year.
161. It takes 75,000 trees to print a Sunday edition of the New York times.
162. People are more likely to experience the feeling of fear after discovering a truth about something they love.
163. Australia was inhabited by indigenous people for about 50,000 years before the British came.
164. Brazil has been the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years.
165. According to a poll in the year 2000, the Japanese believe that their best invention of the 20th century was instant noodles.
166. Kit Kat became so popular in Japan because of a literal translation of "Kitto Katsu" which means "Surely win" and lead to the implication of the bar giving good luck (making  it a popular snack, especially before exams).
167. Ostrich don't put their heads in sand.
168. Elephants are pregnant for 2 years.
169. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
170. Swallowing chewing gum doesn't stay in your stomach for years.
171. Women say "I'm sorry" more than men do because women are more likely to feel like they've done something wrong.
172. Hippo milk is pink.
173. 1 in 50,000 penguins are born with brown rather than black plumage.
174. If you could fold a piece of paper 50 times, its thickness would exceed the distance from here to the sun.
175. Tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits.
176. Uranus was the first planet discovered with a telescope.
177. Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours.
178. Your hearing doesn't turn off in your sleep, your brain just tunes out or ignores any incoming sounds.
179. Black cats crossing your path is considered good luck in some places like England, Ireland and parts of Asia.
180. Scientists have found that babies sometimes cry at night to prevent their parents from making another baby.
181. Your body is shrinking and it's never going to stop. Once you reach your 30s, you lose 1/2 an inch in height every 10 years.
182. For every 100 womens in Qatar there are 324 men.
183. Dubai holds over 60 Guinness world records, including the world's tallest building and even the world's longest bar.
184. A 15 year study involving more than 3,000 adults found full-fat dairy can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by 46% on average.
185. In six hours, the world's deserts receive more energy from the sun than human consumes in a year.
186. Uranus axis of rotation is tilted sideways, so its north and south poles lie where most other planets have their equators.
187. The first modern Olympic games were held in Greece in 1896 only 311 males participated but no females.
188. Research shows that we should spend 100 hours a year (two hours a week) helping others if we want to enrich our lives.
189. Ants can survive in a microwave; they are small enough to dodge the rays.
190. Stress can cause a human's hair to fall out upto 10 times more than usual.
191. Humans shed 40 punds of skin cells in the average lifetime.
192. You may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person whom you trust.
193. Parents of new babies miss out on 6 months worth of sleep in the first 2 years of their child's life.
194. Sometimes when we scratch one part of our body we can feel in another point somewhere else, and this is called referred itch.
195. When you receive a kidney transplant, your own kidney isn't removed. It usually stays where it is and a third kidney is placed in your pelvis.
196. 11.5 million animals were used in experiments in 2011 in the European Union alone.
197. The more likely a man can grow a beard, the greater the risk he will go bald.
198. Honey is the only food that will never rot, it can last 3000 years.
199. 50% of the world is under 30.
200. Gamophobia is the fear of getting married or being in a relationship.
201. Women are approximately two times more likely than men to suffer from major depression.
202. If you're ever feeling tired/sleepy, hold your breath as long as you can, and then breath out slowly. It increases your heart rate and makes you more awake.
203. High frequency sounds enhance the sweetness in food, while low frequencies bring out the bitterness.
204. Ostrich kicks can kill a human and even a lion.
205. After an 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico city in 1985, nearly all newborn babies survived a collapsed hospital for 7 days without nourishment, water, warmth or human contact.
206. Crocodiles have no lips and can hold their breath for an hour.
207.Everyday, plants convert sunlight into energy equivalent to six times the entire power consumption of human civilization.
208. Elephants brains can weigh as much as 5 KG (11LB), more than the brain of any other land animal.
209. The average toilet seat is much cleaner than your toothbrush, as your teeth are home to around 10,000 million bacteria per square cm.
210. The human brain makes up only 2% of the body's weight but needs 15% of the heart's work and 20% of the body's oxygen.
211. If you put a piece of pineapple somewhere in your mouth it starts eating you. It has proteins that degrades meat.
212. The sun revolves around the milky way, it's called a galactic year and takes 250 million years to cycle. We are literally on the same cycle that started when the dinosaurs roamed. Meaning we are physically somewhere new in space that we've never been before every second until this day.
213. 0.3% of solar energy from the Sahara desert is enough to power the whole Europe.
214. A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball made of rubber.
215. Mercury has the greatest temperature difference from day to night in the solar system: 840 °F in the day, plummeting to -275 °F at night.
216. Your voice would be deeper on venus. Its dense atmosphere would cause your vocal cords to vibrate more slowly.
217. 10% of your life is spent with your eyes closed exclusively because of blinking.
218. 95% of the spiders in your house have never been outside.
219. To our eyes, in space, the sun would appear white, not yellow.
220. Lemon juice makes fish taste and smell less 'fishy' because its acid neutralizes a chemical group in the fish called amines, making them non-volatile and stopping the smell.
221. The earth sees about 760 thunderstorms every hour, scientists have calculated.
222. A survey revealed that 25% of women say their husband is not their soulmate.
223. 60% of the world's population live in countries where the death penalty is legal, such as China, India, the US and Indonesia.
224. Everyday, make an effort to talk to at least three members of the opposite sex. You'll be shocked at how much more confident you'll become.
225. Jellyfish are the ocean's most efficient swimmers, consuming 48% less oxygen than any other swimming animal.
226. You have holes in your bottom eyelids. the punctum drains excess tears into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry.
227. Giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24 hour period.
228. Earth is the only planet in the solar system where a total solar eclipse can happen.
229. Sanitary pads can take 500 to 800 years to decompose in landfills.
230. Due to the effects of zero gravity, the heart becomes 9.4 percent more spherical in space.
231. The world record for the longest continuous kiss is 58 hours 35 minutes and 58 seconds.
232. Sitting down and using a computer typing, scrolling, moving the mouse burns about 20 more calories an hour than just doing nothing.
233. If we lose 10kg (22lbs) of fat, 8.4kg (18.5lbs) turns into carbon dioxide which is exhaled when we breathe, while 1.6kg (3.5lbs) turns to water that is excreted through urine, tears, sweat.
234. A pomegranate can hold up to 1400 seeds.
235. You're always able to see your nose, but your brain pretends like it's not there.
236. The energy emitted form 1 square centimeter of the sun's surface is enough to burn 64 100watt light bulbs.
237. If everyone in the world washed their hands properly, a million lives could be saved a year.
238. At birth, a baby's eye is about 75% of the size of an adult eye.
239. Human hair and finger nails continue to grow after death.
240. Sun is actually white; Viewed from space or a high altitude, it appears as its true color white whereas viewed from a low altitude, atmospheric rendering makes it appear to be what we believe as yellow.
241. Jupiter's moon, Ganymede has more water than the pacific.
242. Women speak about 20000 words a day. That's 13000 more than average man.
243. You can't fold a piece of paper more than seven times.
244. Amount of salt in tears increases with age. The elderly have up to three times saltier tears than newborns.
245. If a cockroach touches a human, it will run away and clean itslef.
246. Human body is originally programmed for 2 four hour sleep cycles that is why we often wake up in the middle of night and unable to sleep.
247. Humans have no sense of smell when they're sleeping.
248. Antibacterial soap is no better than regular soap at preventing sickness, and children who use it regularly are more likely to develop peanut allergies and hay fever.
249. If you place a ripe banana next to a green tomato, the tomato will ripen due to the ethylene gas produced by the banana.
250. The science of yawning and stretching at the same time is called pandiculating.
251. The lifespan of a rockstar is 25 years shorter than average man.
252. No scientific experiment has ever been done (or could be done) to prove that time exists.
253. A study found that right handed individuals have better oral hygiene and the lower incidence of caries because of their better manual dexterity and brush efficiently.
254. Indonesians are the world's shortest people.
255. Until babies reach age 3, they cannot dream about themselves.
256. In Denmark, it is illegal to burn the flags of foreign countries but legal to burn the Denmark's national flag, according to section 110(e) of the Danish penal code because parliament has decided that burning other countries' flag is a matter of foreign policy, as it could be construed as a threat.
257. Lizard can't breathe and walk at the same time.
258. According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.
259. A man lost his vision and hearing in an accident. After 9 years, he had his senses restored being struck by lightning while chasing his pet chicken during storm.
260. Men who drinks 6 or more cups of coffee daily decrease their risk of developing prostate cancer by 20%, a study found.
261. There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car four times around the world.
262. The total weight of all the ants on earth is about the same as the weight of all humans on earth.
263. A trained person can walk across hot coals because coal is poor conductor of heat. It takes time for heat to transfer from coal to skin.
264. George Washington was the only president who didn't represent a political party.
265. The first mobile phones cost £2000 each and had a battery life of about 20 minutes.
266. A female ferret will die if she doesn't have sex for a year.
267. Trees can tell if deer are trying to eat them. Due to their ability to detect deer saliva, trees defend themselves by producing excess acids that cause their buds to taste bitter so that deer will lose interest and leave them alone.
268. James Harrison has donated blood over 1000 times saving over 2 million babies from Rhesus disease.